Saturday, November 24, 2012

“Superstar Secrets” a Hannah Montana novel by M. C. King Part 1 Chapter 9

1)Plot Synopsis: Jake wants to get together with Miley, but Miley tells Jake she has to do a “school thing”. Actually, she is going to read to at a local “grade school” as her alternate identity, Hannah Montana. At the grade school, Hannah reads a children’s book with a heavy handed message about honesty. One of the students asks Hannah if she has ever lied. Hannah tells the students “Sometimes life is … complicated” which leads to Hannah being berated by a teacher for advocating lying. After leaving the school grounds, Miley/Hannah calls Jake and tells him they must meet. Miley brings her blonde Hannah wig and reveals to Jake that she is Hannah Montana.

2)Character Development: Jake reveals he cannot bear the thought of going a day without seeing Miley, obviously indicating a combination of insecurity and control issues. Hannah/Miley feels competent in answering questions about songwriting or make-up, but not honesty.

3)Relevant Cultural Issues: Situational ethics, particularly in regards to speaking the truth. Hannah advocates grey, while the school teacher speaks up for black and white.

4)Hip Slang: “Sweet niblets” – Hannah’s expression of exasperation.

5)Contemporary Cultural References: “Trudy, the Truthful Turtle”, the book Hannah reads to the students. “Frankie , the Fibbing Frog”, the book Hannah doesn’t read to the students. Superman and Lois Lane – Hannah points out to the students that Sups doesn’t tell the star reporter his true identity. Some students are quite upset when Hannah tells them that Superman isn’t real. (This reminds me of something I’ve been thinking about lately. They say Batman and Bruce Wayne are good friends. But have you noticed you never see them together? Which makes me think that maybe…. They aren’t really friends!)

6)Favorite Sentence: “Though Hannah Montana might have been sitting in a tiny, Play-Doh-splattered chair, surrounded by beaming second graders, Miley Stewart was somewhere else entirely.”
The End of Part One

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